Wednesday, December 31, 2014

CTDH || Why would he need that to continue?

It is not a surprise that the Videos will stop. After the hedge fund guy put his guys on the board why would he need to continue pushing for making these video to get his foot inside or any information that could come through them? The mission was already accomplished.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

CTDH || First Step - 2

And that in itself seems to belong to a more expanded pattern of behavior in which he starts things and let them drag from there even beyond the limited intentions at the onset by others.

Friday, August 8, 2014

CTDH || Identity of "purchaser" not revealed

The new placement filing even left the "Name Of Purchaser" field empty. I wonder if the guy ran out of people willing to make fake claims and be used as devices for him. He also ran out of them with another stock I am suing him for and had to go outside the country all the way to Israel to find a replacement to be a fake CEO. But that was after a long time with sever outrageous actions not this early.  

CTDH || First Step

Adding his own board members is often the hedge funds guy's first step in taking control of a company. That step is usually preceded by a preparation step in which he builds a path for it by establishing a relation with an insider in order to be able to penetrate inside. In VKNG it was the CFO while here it is the video guy. So for shareholder side that guy may often not count and it is 2 against 4 board. We are still at this beginning stage and the hedge fund guy was able to pull one thing after another.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

CTDH || Same Entity

All these shares issued in private placements are going to one entity or a cooperating group acting as one entity here and the average cost for that entity is now about 20 cents a share. The fake additional entities the hedge fund guy creates wouldn't pass on a toddler.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

CTDH || Not simply about failure

I am not just simply holding the failure of someone against him.
Had he stood up in a serious way and leveled with us about the reasons for the huge failure of Nanosonic I would have had a totally different view about the situation. Not just that leveling with shareholders is required morally but as someone who is involved with science he should have had an additional special attachment to working on and being restricted by the facts. What do you want more from those who are with you on the same ship to say despite a huge failure on your part that they are willing to overlook that in exchange of just leveling with them about standing in a serious and real way to admit what went wrong, explain it and try to correct as much as possible of the situation? But if you abuse that intention and think you can push a false world of your own creation on others then I may say and keep pointing out your failure not once or twice but a thousand times.

Go back to those videos and see how the refusal to level with shareholders not only continued in a passive way but was also supported by false claims. See how many times orders were not only expected but supposedly already there. We even heard talk about increasing the capacity of the plant. It was just a sears of false claims replacing previous false claims and so on. Yet the guy is walking now as if nothing happened.

He says that they are "laser focused" on the NPC treatment. Well, that does appear to be made as a choice after the huge failure of Nanosonic and Stratton's sudden change of direction can be hardly missed as being a reaction to that failure. It is also hard to miss seeing how Nanosonic was trusted with an order of 50k only at the beginning and never later for any size order as a reaction to the quality of what it can produce and not because there is no market had Nanosonic performed as it was counted on to perform.

Stratton is clearly also responsible for not leveling with shareholders regarding what went wrong with Noanosonic

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

CTDH || The video guy becoming CEO of CTDH

Who would blame them? After years of continuous failure and renewed promises that never materialized with Nanosonic, don't you think it is time to let the guy assume a wider responsibility position so he can take claim and pride at least in the achievements of others?

Monday, June 23, 2014

CTDH || To the guy in that video:

 If you are truly grateful to that family then vote for helping them back through the means available to the company which is the issuing of compensating shares directly or indirectly through things like joining the board of directors or an advisory position to the board.

At least, unlike the hedge fund guy to whom you issued the shares in the financing (I am referring to the real thing not the faces he came through), if that family sells its shares it would be to make a gain instead of keeping the price under pressure. Had the shares issued in that financing being ready to be sold at our current time he would have not let this stock reach these prices not even in your dreams. After all this is how he kept the stock before he came to you to offer financing probably partly because he ran out on ammo (Although the level of corruption help he may get if he decide to cross the related lines in violating laws and regulations is far from being suitable for being underestimated no matter what).   

Thursday, May 22, 2014

CTDH || Make No Mistake

Make no mistake those guys added to the board are nothing more than puppets for the hedge fund guy. He even played similar game with Viking Systems (VKNG) and added fake board members in order to have the vote he wants for acquiring the company. I don't know what pushed Strattan to put himself in such a situation even while the company was doing probably the best performance in its history helped by the door opened by the twin girls family. The company was generating income and was not in urgent need for financing. So what made Strattan sells all that percentage of his company and give that much power in the board to this hedge fund guy?I don't know. But I know that I warned him years ago about this hedge fund guy and he is free to do whatever he wants.
Nevertheless, while adding real board members could help in correcting this mess, it was not the main reason why I talked about compensating the twin girls family and the path through board membership or an advisory position to achieve that. I had these ideas for a long time but I simply posted them during this time because of the change in the price which make the value of share compensation seen with more clarity.       

CTDH || I Suggest and Vote For Compensating The Twin Girls Family

You read here and there in the market persons being compensated for their service to  companies although most of these services do not seem to even come close to what the family of the twin girls had done for this company here. That is why if it can be done in a legal way I cast my vote and encourage others to agree on a compensation to that family through the issuance of shares that at least shouldn't be less than within the millions of shares range to that family for their service.

Also, with her involvement in the product combined with the daily dealing with her twin daughters, why isn't the input of that mother is not sought as a member of the board of directors or even an advisory position? That could open a path for that compensation.